On Doctrinal Differences

The first-century Apostles sought to quell with doctrinal infighting. Modern believers sustain doctrinal infighting.  Arguments against infighting just trigger more infighting. What does Scripture state?

  • Blessed are the peacemakers: they shall be recognised as children of God —‍Matt 5‍:‍9
  • For we know only imperfectly, and we prophesy imperfectly; but once perfection comes, all imperfect things will be done away with. When I was a child, I used to talk like a child, and see things as a child does, and think like a child; but now that I have become an adult, I have finished with all childish ways. Now we see only reflections in a mirror, mere riddles, but then we shall be seeing face to face. Now I can know only imperfectly; but then I shall know just as fully as I am myself known. —‍1 Cor 13‍:‍9‍-‍12
  • With all humility and gentleness, and with patience, support each other in love. Take every care to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together. —‍Eph 4‍:‍2‍-‍3

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