Habeas Corpus and Actual Innocence

I am convinced that the U.S. Supreme Court decision in McQuiggin v. Perkins, 569 U.S. ___ (2013), was really about re-aligning the checks-and-balances and restoring federal courts’ authority to take corrective measures. While the decision was technically adverse to the underlying habeas corpus petition, it was overwhelmingly (and controversially) restorative to habeas corpus practice, and I think the Supreme Court chose to hear the case simply to renew its prior holdings in House v. Bell, 513 U.S. 298 (2006), and Schlup v. Delo, 513 U.S. 298  (1995), rather than to address the actual issue of Perkins’ liberty.

Writs of habeas corpus are traceable at least as far back as the Magna Carta of 1215. Basically, it’s a desperate cry to a higher authority to investigate a person’s unjust confinement. Most landmark precedents emerge from federal habeas corpus proceedings—Gideon v. Wainwright and Mirando v. Arizona are two such über-cases that every American student hears in high school. I’ve been digging around and want to take a moment to disseminate information on one particular aspect that exists in United States federal courts called Actual Innocence.Continue Reading

Constitutional Amendment

Back in May 2016 in the wake of citizen killings by cops and the black lives matter movement, I had the idea to think up a new Constitutional amendment:

No executive agent of a State or of the United States acting under color of domestic law shall purposefully, capriciously, wantonly, negligently, or indifferently perpetrate or permit an abrogation of due process or substantial miscarriage of justice upon any person during a time and place of peace, natural calm, and civil order, and any executive agent who conscientiously refuses an order which would violate such protection shall be equally protected.

My idea was to reflect and protect civil rights. It could potentially open the door for 28 USC 2254 habeas relief on a freestanding actual innocence claim. And while conceived as miscarriage of criminal law, it remains open to allow federal courts to decide what other substantial miscarriages might exist such as employment, welfare, healthcare, or voting rights. It opens the door for international application as well on matters like extraordinary rendition.

The Gods of Other Nations

“Do not worship the gods of these other nations or serve them in any way, and never follow their evil example.” (EX 23:24 NLT) How many ways do we, the modern followers of the one true God, serve the gods of the lands in which we dwell? Hollywood? Wealth? Fame?

Ceder Plaza al Generalísimo

Hay pocos versículos que logran a captar sencillamente la maravilla de nuestro Señor omnipotente, pero aquí hay uno: “Moisés dijo al pueblo: No temáis; estad firmes, y ved la salvación que Jehová hará hoy con vosotros; porque los egipcios que hoy habéis visto, nunca más para siempre los veréis.” (ÉXODO 14:13 RV1960)

O hermanos, que poderoso es nuestro Generalísimo Guerrero cuando nosotros le cedemos su plaza!

Anguish Deafness

And Moses speaketh so unto the sons of Israel, and they hearkened not unto Moses, for anguish of spirit, and for harsh service. Exodus 6:9 (YLT)

El Poder de Una Sola Palabra del Señor

UNA SOLA PALABRA…..de Dios puede cambiar todo.

UNA SOLA PALABRA…..de nosotros puede negarle permiso. Cuando nosotros andamos hablando de nuestros problemas (en efecto afirmándolos, ensalzándolos), nos damos puñales a nuestra fe. Enfoquémonos pues en El Omnipotente quien–con una mera sílaba–puede derribar la montaña al valle para hacer camino plano por medio de lo visto y lo escondido.

UNA SOLA PALABRA del Señor vale más del vocabulario entero de nosotros. ¿Podemos nosotros callarnos para darle a Él el foro de hablar?

Jacob’s Unworthiness

Jacob’s words are still true and humbling even today: “I am not worthy of all the faithfulness and unfailing love you have shown to me, your servant.” (GEN 32:10 NLT)

Don’t Intensify Answers

Just say a simple, “Yes, I will,” or “No, I won’t.” Your word is enough. To strengthen your promise with a vow shows that something is wrong. Matthew 5:37 NLT


Hoy noche yo encontré unas palabras sueltas de muchos años atrás. Leyeron: cuando se pierde la vista, la visión viene.

On Discovering Truth

[T]ruth is best discovered by powerful statements on both sides of the question. Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)

N.B. Though often attributed to Lord John Scott Eldon (1751-1838), Eldon was, in fact, quoting Bacon.